[lbackup-discussion] L-Backup Errors! That error occurs when rsync tries to set an ACE specifying a user that does not exist. Here's what happens: 1) Read ACE on source file --> on Mac OS X, the user or group of the ACE is stored using the user or group's UUID 2) Convert UUID to uid/gid using mbr_uuid_to_id, also store which type it is (e.g. user or group) 3) [transfer file] 4) Convert uid/gid to UUID using mbr_uid_to_uuid or mbr_gid_to_uuid 5) Set ACE on destination file

henri reply to this message via the mailing list
Sat Apr 10 16:24:43 NZST 2010

> The server is now Mac OS X 10.6.3.
> rsync is either 3.0.6 or 3.0.7, I can't remember which.

Is the machine being backed up also running Mac OS 10.6.3?


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