[lbackup-discussion] General rsync errors

henri reply to this message via the mailing list
Mon May 3 09:23:50 NZST 2010

> : Input/output error (5)

With regards this error. It sounds like there is a problem with the source device, destination device or something else with the system (possibly hardware). How much RAM is in your system and are you using ECC RAM?

I think that confirming this on the rsync mailing list would be a really good idea. 

In addition, the rsync mailing list may also provide some information on how to gain increased verbosity on the errors.

If you would like to work on a post together then let me know. I am happy to assist.

> In most cases, this is going to be a schedule, and a few days may go by in which someone is not looking at the logs to see lbackup is no longer working.

I have thought that keeping a number of failed backups could be a good feature to investigate.

In the mean time, I suggest setting up email error reporting or possibly some other kind of reporting : <http://www.lbackup.org/reporting>. Finally, the ground work for implementing other kinds of notifications is in place.

Thank you for all the feed back and details provided in your post regarding the issues you are facing. I believe that finding our more about the error you are seeing is the first step. Please let me know if this approach will work for you?

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